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To Travel Is to Live

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August 2024

Texas Rangers Baseball
Philadelphia & Annapolis
Escape to the Sierra Blanca Mountains

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September 2024

Memorials of WWII:  Northern France
Fall Trains & Foliage of New England

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October 2024

Fall Trains & Foliage of New England
State Fair of Texas
Colors of the Northeast

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November 2024

Branson Christmas
Louisville Christmas & More

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December 2024

Christmas in Montreal & Quebec City
Louisiana Holiday Trail of Lights
The Gift of Christmas

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January / February 2025

Heartbreak Hotel Life and Legendary Music of Elvis Presley
Winter Wonders of Yellowstone

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March 2025

Race to Relaxation:  Hot Springs, AR
Cowgirls & Cowboys

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April 2025

Tennessee/Mississippi Music Trail
Best of Florida

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May 2025

Spring Mystery Tour
Always, Patsy Cline

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June 2025

Alaska Cruise Tour
Palo Duro Canyon

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August / September 2025

Singin’ In the Rain
Columbia & Snake River Cruise

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October 2025

Plains of Africa

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