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“Traveling—It Leaves You Speechless, Then Turns You Into A Storyteller”

Bilbrey Tours is Abilene’s leading resource for tourism opportunities, providing the time to travel, relax, and enjoy the amazing things this country has to offer. Read below to learn about the featured destinations for November 2024.

Branson Christmas

November 11 – 16, 2024
(6 days – 5 nights)

Departing Abilene, Big Spring, Midland, and San Angelo

$1599 per person (2 people per room) 
$1939 per person (1 person per room) 

$25 due upon booking – Final due September 17, 2024

Travel Protection Insurance
available for purchase
Click to Purchase Travel Protection

Highlights Include:

  • Miracle of Christmas– Sight and Sound Theatre
  • Clay Cooper’s Country Express
  • Presley’s Country Jubilee
  • The Dutton Family
  • Hot Rods & High Heels
  • Where Jesus Walked
  • Titanic Museum
  • Local shopping and sightseeing
  • Meals: 5 continental breakfasts, 5 lunches or dinners

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Photo courtesy of Sight & Sound/Clay Cooper/the Duttons/Titanic Branson

Louisville Christmas & More
featuring Ark Encounter

November 19 – 25, 2024
(7 days – 6 nights)

Departing Abilene, Big Spring, and Midland

$2039 per person (2 people per room) 
$2515 per person (1 person per room)

$25 due upon booking-Final due September 18, 2024

Travel Protection Insurance
available for purchase
Click to Purchase Travel Protection

Highlights Include:

  • 3 nights at Galt House – Louisville
  • Lights Under Louisville (underground holiday light spectacular driving tour
  • Ark Encounter – Williamstown, KY
  • National Quilt Museum – Paducah, KY
  • Kentucky Derby Museum with Reindeer Games
  • Churchill Downs

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Photo courtesy of Ark Encounter/Greater Louisville CVB
  • Louisville Slugger Museum
  • Frazier Museum
  • Derby Dinner Playhouse
  • Lunch at the original Lambert’s – Sikeston, MO
  • Meals: 3 breakfasts and 3 continental breakfasts, 6 lunches or dinners