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Making Your Travel Dreams Come True!

Bilbrey Tours

Celebrating 35 Years

The World Awaits

The staff at Bilbrey Tours, Inc. will eagerly assist you with all your travel needs:

Escorted Group Tours
Customized Group Tours
Charter Motorcoach Service

Bilbrey Tours, Inc. has been locally owned and operated since 1990. Whether your travel plans are stateside or international, we can assist you. All you will have to do is pack your bag.

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2024/2025 Escorted Tours
Motorcoach Charter Services
Professional Staff

Lena’s Legacy

Lena’s Legacy continues to flourish with our John 4:14 Foundation partnership. Their mission, and Lena’s dream, is being fulfilled with the construction of springbox wells as well as the restoration of existing borehole (hand-pump) wells otherwise in disrepair. Through Lena’s Legacy, tens of thousands of individuals living in Uganda now have access to viable drinking water. Rhonda Bilbrey has been blessed by the opportunity to travel to Mbale, Uganda to see firsthand the works completed through Lena’s Legacy and met individuals whose lives are forever changed by access to clean water. Since the inception of Lena’s Legacy, more than 30 water projects have been completed. “This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalms 118:24

Bilbrey Tours remains committed to continuing Lena’s Legacy through future water projects. Proceeds from every trip you take with Bilbrey Tours will advance her dream and fund additional water projects, wells, and restorations. Together we can continue to improve the quality of life for thousands of individuals. To learn more about John 4:14 Foundation and its works, please visit Let the blessings flow!

Travel… The Perfect Freedom

One of our most important freedoms is the freedom to travel and explore. Don’t stand still – go, see, do, experience. Now is the time to enjoy travel … the perfect freedom.

 Bilbrey Tours would like to say “Thank You” to our wonderful friends and travelers. Many of you have been with us as we visited all 50 of the United States. To date, we have traveled to 58 countries:

Aruba, Antigua & Barbuda, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Cayman Islands, Chile, Costa Rica, Curacao, Czech Republic, Denmark, England, Estonia, Finland, Fiji, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Holland, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Jordan, Liechtenstein, Malta, Mexico, Monaco, Nicaragua, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Romania, Russia, Scotland, Serbia, Spain, South Africa, St. Maarten, St. Lucia, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Uruguay, Wales, and Zimbabwe.
*Passports are required for all travel outside of the United States.

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3262 S 27th St
Abilene, TX 79605


Fax: 325-692-5565

Hours of Operation

Monday – Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

3262 S 27th St, Abilene, TX, USA